Tuesday, April 24, 2012

They Grow Up So Fast

I may have started my vegetables from seed a tad too early. I got a bit antsy for spring to come not thinking about the fact that the last frost doesn't really happen here until May. Some of the plants are still small, like my chili peppers and tomatoes, but the pole beans took off from the moment that I planted them. I put a few bamboo stakes in the container and they've grown all the way up to the top and then some. The plants are taller than me, and the beans have already started to grow!

The zucchini are getting pretty big, as are the tomato plants. While I'll be leaving the pole beans in the container that they're in now, I'll be replanting the zucchini and tomatoes in the garden.

I can't wait until I can put these plants outside and work on the garden. I've also got some flowers in the works, but they're still so tiny - I might still have to buy my flowers from the garden centre anyway. Now the just-above-freezing temperatures just need to go away. Hopefully that will happen soon!

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