Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Snapshots

Dirt around his mouth means Oscar's been exploring the yard.

We've really been enjoying spring over the last few weeks, so I thought I would share a few pictures that I've taken. I hope spring has sprung where you are, too!


Tulips tilting towards the sun. The weeds are keeping them company.

I love the colour of the sky in this picture.

Oscar running around at the dog park.

Oscar taking a break at the dog park. The light makes it look peaceful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no - my human is having spelling problems again - had to delete the post :- ( Sorry! We love your pictures of the Spring flowers and Oscar. We have crocuses and tulips coming up here in the UK too and the ground is just right for digging now - don't you agree Oscar? Have fun - woofs and licks from Magic


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