Saturday, March 24, 2012

Becoming a Better Photographer

For me, this blog is not only about the things I love, like cooking or gardening. It's also about becoming better at the things I love, documenting my learning experiences, and sharing them with other readers who are interested in the same things. When I started blogging, I read about the importance of photography. I quickly realized how valuable that advice was, especially when it came to taking pictures of the food that I made from the new recipes that I tried. No one wants to make or eat something that doesn't look delicious.

As I've read more over the last few weeks about how to improve my pictures, my interest in photography has grown so much. There is so much to think about when taking a picture, like lighting, composition, background and styling - things I had never thought about before when taking pictures. I was firmly in the simple point-and-shoot camp and frankly, most of my pictures were boring. I don't just want my pictures to look nice - I want them to be interesting.

Yesterday morning, I looked out the window at the gorgeous early morning sunshine and decided I had to go outside and take a picture or two. I've never had that compulsion before - especially not on a weekday when I'm usually frantically trying to get out the door to get to work.

I have so much to learn, but I'm really looking forward to experimenting with taking pictures and becoming a better photographer. I thought I should give myself some direction in this new self-improvement adventure of mine, so I thought I would do one of those 30-day photography challenges that I have been seeing online. There is one on Positively Present with a gratitude theme and I thought that would be a good one to try. I hope it will help my photography skills and also remind me take the time to document things and to be thankful for all of the wonderful things I have in my life. This will be fun!

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